
Flexible conversational AI research platform

Plato is a research platform for conversational AI I contribute to. Its main developer is Alexandros Papangelis with whom I collaborate on several research projects. Plato manages all the organization of different modules that constitute a dialogue systems, their interaction and the overall end-to-end process from inputs to outputs. It's really modular and extensible, with simple interfaces a researcher can replace to test a new component. The focus of Plato is not on the NLP / Machine Learning models of each component: for their implementation it relies on Ludwig and also allows users to provide their own custom models.

Plato's website can be found here, its code is available on GitHub, and we also released a blogpost and a paper describing it.

Plato received substaintial press coverage upon its release:


Alexandros Papangelis

Mahdi Namazifar

Chandra Khatri

Yi-Chia Wang

Gokhan Tur